DRIP Airdrop as well as AMES and AEQUINOX

DRIP Airdrop as well as AMES and AEQUINOX

Hypermine is going to be launching a mini version of the coin, they are basically going to be taking 5000 out of the supply and putting them on doge chain to be sold over there and those specific coins will be for earning yield on Doge chain. Pricing is to go live soon. If you wanted to buy Hypermine then it’s sometimes cheaper on pancakeswap than it is on their website

The APR on the AMES BUSD pools seems to be getting much better and should go to 2x or 3x. The new voting went live a few hours ago; the voting is going to change how the dividends are distributed. Ames might end up jumping in price soon. Now would be a good time to get in and hold and farm.

The Drip airdrop, to qualify for the airdrop you basically need to be at net deposit of around 75 DRIP so that way you are claiming more than you are selling.

With Aequinox the daily APR seems to be going down as there isn’t much inflation however it may go up a bit. The best would be to wait till the rewards are unlocked and see what happens with the price.

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